Create a colour picker htmlwidget. This is not terribly useful right now since you can use the more powerful colourInput in Shiny apps and Rmarkdown documents, but this gives you an htmlwidget version of that colour picker.

  value = "white",
  showColour = c("both", "text", "background"),
  palette = c("square", "limited"),
  allowedCols = NULL,
  allowTransparent = FALSE,
  returnName = FALSE,
  closeOnClick = FALSE,
  width = "300px",
  height = "35px",
  elementId = NULL



Initial value (can be a colour name or HEX code)


Whether to show the chosen colour as text inside the input, as the background colour of the input, or both (default).


The type of colour palette to allow the user to select colours from. square (default) shows a square colour palette that allows the user to choose any colour, while limited only gives the user a predefined list of colours to choose from.


A list of colours that the user can choose from. Only applicable when palette == "limited". The limited palette uses a default list of 40 colours if allowedCols is not defined. If the colour specified in value is not in the list, the default colour will revert to black.


If TRUE, enables a slider to choose an alpha (transparency) value for the colour. When a colour with opacity is chosen, the return value is an 8-digit HEX code.


If TRUE, then return the name of an R colour instead of a HEX value when possible.


If TRUE, then the colour selection panel will close immediately after selecting a colour.


Custom width for the input field.


Custom height for the input field.


Use an explicit element ID for the widget (rather than an automatically generated one).


colourWidget() colourWidget("red", palette = "limited", allowedCols = c("yellow", "red", "#123ABC"))