Use esquisse as a module in a Shiny application.

  header = TRUE,
  container = esquisseContainer(),
  controls = c("labs", "parameters", "appearance", "filters", "code"),
  insert_code = FALSE

  data_rv = NULL,
  default_aes = c("fill", "color", "size", "group", "facet"),
  import_from = c("env", "file", "copypaste", "googlesheets")

esquisseContainer(width = "100%", height = "700px", fixed = FALSE)



Module ID.


Logical. Display or not esquisse header.


Container in which display the addin, default is to use esquisseContainer, see examples. Use NULL for no container (behavior in versions <= 0.2.1). Must be a function.


Controls menu to be displayed. Use NULL to hide all menus.


Logical, Display or not a button to insert the ggplot code in the current user script (work only in RStudio).


A reactiveValues with at least a slot data containing a data.frame to use in the module. And a slot name corresponding to the name of the data.frame.


Default aesthetics to be used, can be a character vector or reactive function returning one.


From where to import data, argument passed to datamods::import_ui.

width, height

The width and height of the container, e.g. "400px", or "100%"; see validateCssUnit.


Use a fixed container, e.g. to use use esquisse full page. If TRUE, width and height are ignored. Default to FALSE. It's possible to use a vector of CSS unit of length 4 to specify the margins (top, right, bottom, left).


A reactiveValues with 3 slots :

  • code_plot : code to generate plot.

  • code_filters : a list of length two with code to reproduce filters.

  • data : data.frame used in plot (with filters applied).


### Part of a Shiny app ### library(shiny) library(esquisse) ui <- fluidPage( tags$h1("Use esquisse as a Shiny module"), radioButtons( inputId = "data", label = "Data to use:", choices = c("iris", "mtcars"), inline = TRUE ), checkboxGroupInput( inputId = "aes", label = "Aesthetics to use:", choices = c( "fill", "color", "size", "shape", "weight", "group", "facet", "facet_row", "facet_col" ), selected = c("fill", "color", "size", "facet"), inline = TRUE ), esquisse_ui( id = "esquisse", header = FALSE, # dont display gadget title container = esquisseContainer(height = "700px") ) ) server <- function(input, output, session) { data_rv <- reactiveValues(data = iris, name = "iris") observeEvent(input$data, { if (input$data == "iris") { data_rv$data <- iris data_rv$name <- "iris" } else { data_rv$data <- mtcars data_rv$name <- "mtcars" } }) esquisse_server( id = "esquisse", data_rv = data_rv, default_aes = reactive(input$aes) ) } if (interactive()) shinyApp(ui, server) ### Whole Shiny app ### library(shiny) library(esquisse) # Load some datasets in app environment my_data <- data.frame( var1 = rnorm(100), var2 = sample(letters[1:5], 100, TRUE) ) ui <- fluidPage( esquisse_ui( id = "esquisse", container = esquisseContainer(fixed = TRUE) ) ) server <- function(input, output, session) { esquisse_server(id = "esquisse") } if (interactive()) shinyApp(ui, server) ## You can also use a vector of margins for the fixed argument, # useful if you have a navbar for example library(shiny) library(esquisse) library(datamods) ui <- navbarPage( title = "My navbar app", tabPanel( title = "esquisse", esquisse_ui( id = "esquisse", header = FALSE, container = esquisseContainer( fixed = c(55, 0, 0, 0) ) ) ) ) server <- function(input, output, session) { # lauch import data modal import_modal( id = "import-data", from = c("env", "file", "copypaste"), title = "Import data" ) data_imported_r <- datamods::import_server("import-data") data_rv <- reactiveValues(data = data.frame()) observeEvent(data_imported_r$data(), { data_rv$data <- data_imported_r$data() data_rv$name <- data_imported_r$name() }) esquisse_server(id = "esquisse", data_rv = data_rv) } if (interactive()) shinyApp(ui, server)