Change the value of a drop input on the client

updateDropInput(session, inputId, selected = NULL, disabled = NULL)



The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.


The id of the input object.


The initially selected value.


Choices (choicesValues) to disable.

See also


if (interactive()) { library(shiny) library(esquisse) myChoices <- tagList( list(icon("home"), style = "width: 100px;"), list(icon("flash"), style = "width: 100px;"), list(icon("cogs"), style = "width: 100px;"), list(icon("fire"), style = "width: 100px;"), list(icon("users"), style = "width: 100px;"), list(icon("info"), style = "width: 100px;") ) ui <- fluidPage( tags$h2("Update Drop Input"), fluidRow( column( width = 6, dropInput( inputId = "mydrop", choicesNames = myChoices, choicesValues = c("home", "flash", "cogs", "fire", "users", "info"), dropWidth = "220px" ), verbatimTextOutput(outputId = "res") ), column( width = 6, actionButton("home", "Select home"), actionButton("flash", "Select flash"), actionButton("cogs", "Select cogs"), actionButton("fire", "Select fire"), actionButton("users", "Select users"), actionButton("info", "Select info"), checkboxGroupInput( inputId = "disabled", label = "Choices to disable", choices = c("home", "flash", "cogs", "fire", "users", "info") ), actionButton("disable", "Disable") ) ) ) server <- function(input, output, session) { output$res <- renderPrint({ input$mydrop }) observeEvent(input$home, { updateDropInput(session, "mydrop", "home") }) observeEvent(input$flash, { updateDropInput(session, "mydrop", "flash") }) observeEvent(input$cogs, { updateDropInput(session, "mydrop", "cogs") }) observeEvent(input$fire, { updateDropInput(session, "mydrop", "fire") }) observeEvent(input$users, { updateDropInput(session, "mydrop", "users") }) observeEvent(input$info, { updateDropInput(session, "mydrop", "info") }) observeEvent(input$disable, { if (!is.null(input$disabled)) { updateDropInput(session, "mydrop", disabled = input$disabled) } else { updateDropInput(session, "mydrop", disabled = character(0)) } }) } shinyApp(ui, server) }