This function returns a text that can be used as alt-text in webpages etc. Currently it will use the alt label, added with + labs(alt = <...>), or a return an empty string, but in the future it might try to generate an alt text from the information stored in the plot.

get_alt_text(p, ...)



a ggplot object


Currently ignored


A text string


p <- ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point() # Returns an empty string get_alt_text(p)
#> [1] ""
# A user provided alt text p <- p + labs( alt = paste("A scatterplot showing the negative correlation between engine", "displacement as a function of highway miles per gallon") ) get_alt_text(p)
#> [1] "A scatterplot showing the negative correlation between engine displacement as a function of highway miles per gallon"