Get the LaTeX content from a gt_tbl object as a knit_asis object. This object contains the LaTeX code and attributes that serve as LaTeX dependencies (i.e., the LaTeX packages required for the table). Using as.character() on the created object will result in a single-element vector containing the LaTeX code.




A table object that is created using the gt() function.

Function ID


See also

Other Export Functions: as_raw_html(), as_rtf(), extract_summary(), gtsave()


# Use `gtcars` to create a gt table; # add a header and then export as # an object with LaTeX code tab_latex <- gtcars %>% dplyr::select(mfr, model, msrp) %>% dplyr::slice(1:5) %>% gt() %>% tab_header( title = md("Data listing from **gtcars**"), subtitle = md("`gtcars` is an R dataset") ) %>% as_latex() # `tab_latex` is a `knit_asis` object, # which makes it easy to include in # R Markdown documents that are knit to # PDF; we can use `as.character()` to # get just the LaTeX code as a single- # element vector tab_latex %>% as.character() %>% cat()
#> \captionsetup[table]{labelformat=empty,skip=1pt} #> \begin{longtable}{llr} #> \caption*{ #> \large Data listing from \textbf{gtcars}\\ #> \small \texttt{gtcars} is an R dataset\\ #> } \\ #> \toprule #> mfr & model & msrp \\ #> \midrule #> Ford & GT & 447000 \\ #> Ferrari & 458 Speciale & 291744 \\ #> Ferrari & 458 Spider & 263553 \\ #> Ferrari & 458 Italia & 233509 \\ #> Ferrari & 488 GTB & 245400 \\ #> \bottomrule #> \end{longtable}