Manual specifications of column widths can be performed using the cols_width() function. We choose which columns get specific widths. This can be in units of pixels (easily set by use of the px() helper function), or, as percentages (where the pct() helper function is useful). Width assignments are supplied in ... through two-sided formulas, where the left-hand side defines the target columns and the right-hand side is a single dimension.

cols_width(data, ..., .list = list2(...))



A table object that is created using the gt() function.


Expressions for the assignment of column widths for the table columns in data. Two-sided formulas (e.g, <LHS> ~ <RHS>) can be used, where the left-hand side corresponds to selections of columns and the right-hand side evaluates to single-length character values in the form {##}px (i.e., pixel dimensions); the px() helper function is best used for this purpose. Column names should be enclosed in vars(). The column-based select helpers starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), matches(), one_of(), and everything() can be used in the LHS. Subsequent expressions that operate on the columns assigned previously will result in overwriting column width values (both in the same cols_width() call and across separate calls). All other columns can be assigned a default width value by using TRUE or everything() on the left-hand side.


Allows for the use of a list as an input alternative to ....


An object of class gt_tbl.


Column widths can be set as absolute or relative values (with px and percentage values). Those columns not specified are treated as having variable width. The sizing behavior for column widths depends on the combination of value types, and, whether a table width has been set (which could, itself, be expressed as an absolute or relative value). Widths for the table and its container can be individually modified with the table.width and container.width arguments within tab_options()).


Function ID


See also


# Use `exibble` to create a gt table; # with named arguments in `...`, we # can specify the exact widths for # table columns (using `everything()` # or `TRUE` at the end will capture # all remaining columns) tab_1 <- exibble %>% dplyr::select( num, char, date, datetime, row ) %>% gt() %>% cols_width( vars(num) ~ px(150), ends_with("r") ~ px(100), starts_with("date") ~ px(200), everything() ~ px(60) )