Transforms a character or numeric vector into a period object with the specified number of hours, minutes, and seconds. hms() recognizes all non-numeric characters except '-' as separators ('-' is used for negative durations). After hours, minutes and seconds have been parsed, the remaining input is ignored.

ms(..., quiet = FALSE, roll = FALSE)

hm(..., quiet = FALSE, roll = FALSE)

hms(..., quiet = FALSE, roll = FALSE)



a character vector of hour minute second triples


logical. If TRUE, function evaluates without displaying customary messages.


logical. If TRUE, smaller units are rolled over to higher units if they exceed the conventional limit. For example, hms("01:59:120", roll = TRUE) produces period "2H 1M 0S".


a vector of period objects

See also

hm(), ms()


ms(c("09:10", "09:02", "1:10"))
#> [1] "9M 10S" "9M 2S"  "1M 10S"
ms("7 6")
#> [1] "7M 6S"
#> [1] "6M 5S"
hm(c("09:10", "09:02", "1:10"))
#> [1] "9H 10M 0S" "9H 2M 0S"  "1H 10M 0S"
hm("7 6")
#> [1] "7H 6M 0S"
#> [1] "6H 5M 0S"

x <- c("09:10:01", "09:10:02", "09:10:03")
#> [1] "9H 10M 1S" "9H 10M 2S" "9H 10M 3S"

hms("7 6 5", "3:23:::2", "2 : 23 : 33", "Finished in 9 hours, 20 min and 4 seconds")
#> [1] "7H 6M 5S"   "3H 23M 2S"  "2H 23M 33S" "9H 20M 4S"