local_time retrieves day clock time in specified time zones. Computation is vectorized over both dt and tz arguments, the shortest is recycled in accordance with standard R rules.

local_time(dt, tz = NULL, units = "secs")



a date-time object.


a character vector of timezones for which to compute the local time.


passed directly to as.difftime().


x <- ymd_hms(c("2009-08-07 01:02:03", "2009-08-07 10:20:30"))
local_time(x, units = "secs")
#> Time differences in secs
#> [1]  3723 37230
local_time(x, units = "hours")
#> Time differences in hours
#> [1]  1.034167 10.341667
local_time(x, "Europe/Amsterdam")
#> Time differences in secs
#> [1] 10923 44430
local_time(x, "Europe/Amsterdam") == local_time(with_tz(x, "Europe/Amsterdam"))
#> [1] TRUE TRUE

x <- ymd_hms("2009-08-07 01:02:03")
local_time(x, c("America/New_York", "Europe/Amsterdam", "Asia/Shanghai"), unit = "hours")
#> Time differences in hours
#> [1] 21.034167  3.034167  9.034167