Reads the head and tail of specified file and prints it the console and/or returns it as a character vector. This is called internally in several S3 methods described below.

check_file(.file, .head = 3, .tail = 5, .print = TRUE, .return = FALSE)

tail_output(.mod, ...)

# S3 method for character
tail_output(.mod, .head = 3, .tail = 5, .print = TRUE, .return = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for bbi_nonmem_model
tail_output(.mod, .head = 3, .tail = 5, .print = TRUE, .return = FALSE, ...)

tail_lst(.mod, ...)

# S3 method for character
tail_lst(.mod, .head = 3, .tail = 5, .print = TRUE, .return = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for bbi_nonmem_model
tail_lst(.mod, .head = 3, .tail = 5, .print = TRUE, .return = FALSE, ...)



Character scalar of path to file to read


Integer for number of lines to read from the top of the file


Integer for number of lines to read from the bottom of the file


If TRUE, the default, print resulting head and tail to console.


If FALSE, the default, returns NULL invisibly. If TRUE returns resulting head and tail as a character vector.


Model object or path associated with file.


arguments passed through to check_file()

Methods (by generic)

  • tail_output: Tail the OUTPUT file from a file path to a model.

  • tail_output: Tail the OUTPUT file from a bbi_nonmem_model object.

  • tail_lst: Tail the .lst file from a file path to a model.

  • tail_lst: Tail the .lst file from a bbi_nonmem_model object.