Recover clean, runnable code from a reprex captured in the wild and write it to user's clipboard. The code is also returned invisibly and optionally written to file. Three different functions address various forms of wild-caught reprex.

  input = NULL,
  wd = NULL,
  venue = c("gh", "r"),
  comment = opt("#>"),
  outfile = "DEPRECATED"

  input = NULL,
  wd = NULL,
  comment = opt("#>"),
  outfile = "DEPRECATED"

  input = NULL,
  wd = NULL,
  prompt = getOption("prompt"),
  continue = getOption("continue"),
  outfile = "DEPRECATED"



Character. If has length one and lacks a terminating newline, interpreted as the path to a file containing the reprex. Otherwise, assumed to hold the reprex as a character vector. If not provided, the clipboard is consulted for input. If the clipboard is unavailable and we're in RStudio, the current selection is used.


An optional filepath that is consulted when input is not a filepath. (By default, all work is done, quietly, in a subdirectory of the session temp directory.)

The most common use of wd is to set wd = ".", which means "reprex right HERE in the current working directory". Do this if you really must demonstrate something with local files.


Character. Must be one of the following (case insensitive):

  • "gh" for GitHub-Flavored Markdown, the default

  • "r" for a runnable R script, with commented output interleaved. Also useful for Slack code snippets; select "R" from the "Type" drop-down menu to enjoy nice syntax highlighting.

  • "rtf" for Rich Text Format (not supported for un-reprexing)

  • "html" for an HTML fragment suitable for inclusion in a larger HTML document (not supported for un-reprexing)

  • "slack" for pasting into a Slack message. Works best if you opt out of Slack's WYSIWYG interface and, instead, go to Preferences > Advanced and select "Format messages with markup".

  • "so" for Stack Overflow Markdown. Note: this is just an alias for "gh", since Stack Overflow started to support CommonMark-style fenced code blocks in January 2019.

  • "ds" for Discourse, e.g., Note: this is currently just an alias for "gh".


regular expression that matches commented output lines


[Deprecated] in favor of wd or providing a filepath to input. To reprex in current working directory, use wd = "." now, instead of outfile = NA.


character, the prompt at the start of R commands


character, the prompt for continuation lines


Character vector holding just the clean R code, invisibly


  • reprex_invert: Attempts to reverse the effect of reprex(). When venue = "r", this just calls reprex_clean().

  • reprex_clean: Assumes R code is top-level, possibly interleaved with commented output, e.g., a displayed reprex copied from GitHub or the direct output of reprex(..., venue = "R"). This function removes commented output.

  • reprex_rescue: Assumes R code lines start with a prompt and that printed output is top-level, e.g., what you'd get from copy/paste from the R Console. Removes lines of output and strips prompts from lines holding R commands.


if (FALSE) { # a roundtrip: R code --> rendered reprex, as gfm --> R code original <- file.path(tempdir(), "original.R") writeLines(glue::glue(" #' Some text #+ chunk-label-and-options-cannot-be-recovered, message = TRUE (x <- 1:4) #' More text y <- 2:5 x + y"), con = original) reprex(input = original, html_preview = FALSE, advertise = FALSE) reprexed <- sub("[.]R$", "", original) writeLines(readLines(reprexed)) unreprexed <- reprex_invert(input = reprexed) writeLines(unreprexed) # clean up file.remove( list.files(dirname(original), pattern = "original", full.names = TRUE) ) } if (FALSE) { # a roundtrip: R code --> rendered reprex, as R code --> original R code code_in <- c( "# a regular comment, which is retained", "(x <- 1:4)", "median(x)" ) reprexed <- reprex(input = code_in, venue = "r", advertise = FALSE) writeLines(reprexed) code_out <- reprex_clean(input = reprexed) writeLines(code_out) identical(code_in, code_out) } if (FALSE) { # rescue a reprex that was copied from a live R session from_r_console <- c( "> # a regular comment, which is retained", "> (x <- 1:4)", "[1] 1 2 3 4", "> median(x)", "[1] 2.5" ) rescued <- reprex_rescue(input = from_r_console) writeLines(rescued) }