as_environment() coerces named vectors (including lists) to an environment. The names must be unique. If supplied an unnamed string, it returns the corresponding package environment (see pkg_env()).

as_environment(x, parent = NULL)



An object to coerce.


A parent environment, empty_env() by default. This argument is only used when x is data actually coerced to an environment (as opposed to data representing an environment, like NULL representing the empty environment).


If x is an environment and parent is not NULL, the environment is duplicated before being set a new parent. The return value is therefore a different environment than x.

Life cycle

as_env() was soft-deprecated and renamed to as_environment() in rlang 0.2.0. This is for consistency as type predicates should not be abbreviated.


# Coerce a named vector to an environment:
env <- as_environment(mtcars)

# By default it gets the empty environment as parent:
identical(env_parent(env), empty_env())
#> [1] TRUE

# With strings it is a handy shortcut for pkg_env():
#> <environment: base>
#> <environment: package:rlang>
#> attr(,"name")
#> [1] "package:rlang"
#> attr(,"path")
#> [1] "/data/GHE/deployment/deployments/2021-11-29/renv/library/R-4.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/rlang"

# With NULL it returns the empty environment:
#> <environment: R_EmptyEnv>