Format for converting from R Markdown to an HTML notebook.
html_notebook( toc = FALSE, toc_depth = 3, toc_float = FALSE, number_sections = FALSE, fig_width = 7, fig_height = 5, fig_retina = 2, fig_caption = TRUE, code_folding = "show", theme = "default", highlight = "textmate", mathjax = "default", extra_dependencies = NULL, css = NULL, includes = NULL, md_extensions = NULL, pandoc_args = NULL, output_source = NULL, self_contained = TRUE, ... )
toc |
toc_depth | Depth of headers to include in table of contents |
toc_float |
number_sections |
fig_width | Default width (in inches) for figures |
fig_height | Default height (in inches) for figures |
fig_retina | Scaling to perform for retina displays (defaults to 2, which
currently works for all widely used retina displays). Set to |
fig_caption |
code_folding | Enable document readers to toggle the display of R code
chunks. Specify |
theme | Visual theme ("default", "cerulean", "journal", "flatly",
"darkly", "readable", "spacelab", "united", "cosmo", "lumen", "paper",
"sandstone", "simplex", or "yeti"). Pass |
highlight | Syntax highlighting style. Supported styles include
"default", "tango", "pygments", "kate", "monochrome", "espresso", "zenburn",
"haddock", and "textmate". Pass |
mathjax | Include mathjax. The "default" option uses an https URL from a
MathJax CDN. The "local" option uses a local version of MathJax (which is
copied into the output directory). You can pass an alternate URL or pass
extra_dependencies | Additional function arguments to pass to the
base R Markdown HTML output formatter |
css | One or more css files to include |
includes | Named list of additional content to include within the
document (typically created using the |
md_extensions | Markdown extensions to be added or removed from the
default definition or R Markdown. See the |
pandoc_args | Additional command line options to pass to pandoc |
output_source | Define an output source for R chunks (ie,
outputs to use instead of those produced by evaluating the
underlying R code). See |
self_contained | Produce a standalone HTML file with no external
dependencies. Defaults to |
... | Additional function arguments to pass to the
base R Markdown HTML output formatter |
See the online
documentation for additional details on using the html_notebook