Functions that assist in creating various types of pandoc command line arguments (e.g. for templates, table of contents, highlighting, and content includes).
pandoc_variable_arg(name, value) pandoc_metadata_arg(name, value) pandoc_include_args(in_header = NULL, before_body = NULL, after_body = NULL) pandoc_highlight_args(highlight, default = "tango") pandoc_latex_engine_args(latex_engine) pandoc_toc_args(toc, toc_depth = 3)
name | Name of template variable to set. |
value | Value of template variable (defaults to |
in_header | One or more files with content to be included in the header of the document. |
before_body | One or more files with content to be included before the document body. |
after_body | One or more files with content to be included after the document body. |
highlight | The name of a pandoc syntax highlighting theme. |
default | The highlighting theme to use if "default" is specified. |
latex_engine | LaTeX engine for producing PDF output. Options are "pdflatex", "lualatex", and "xelatex". |
toc |
toc_depth | Depth of headers to include in table of contents. |
A character vector with pandoc command line arguments.
Non-absolute paths for resources referenced from the
, before_body
, and after_body
parameters are resolved relative to the directory of the input document.
if (FALSE) { library(rmarkdown) pandoc_include_args(before_body = "header.htm") pandoc_include_args(before_body = "header.tex") pandoc_highlight_args("kate") pandoc_latex_engine_args("pdflatex") pandoc_toc_args(toc = TRUE, toc_depth = 2) }