This function registers expressions that will be evaluated when a test export event occurs. These events are triggered by accessing a snapshot URL.

  quoted_ = FALSE,
  env_ = parent.frame(),
  session_ = getDefaultReactiveDomain()



Named arguments that are quoted or unquoted expressions that will be captured and evaluated when snapshot URL is visited.


Are the expression quoted? Default is FALSE.


The environment in which the expression should be evaluated.


A Shiny session object.


This function only has an effect if the app is launched in test mode. This is done by calling runApp() with test.mode=TRUE, or by setting the global option shiny.testmode to TRUE.


## Only run this example in interactive R sessions if (interactive()) { options(shiny.testmode = TRUE) # This application shows the test snapshot URL; clicking on it will # fetch the input, output, and exported values in JSON format. shinyApp( ui = basicPage( h4("Snapshot URL: "), uiOutput("url"), h4("Current values:"), verbatimTextOutput("values"), actionButton("inc", "Increment x") ), server = function(input, output, session) { vals <- reactiveValues(x = 1) y <- reactive({ vals$x + 1 }) observeEvent(input$inc, { vals$x <<- vals$x + 1 }) exportTestValues( x = vals$x, y = y() ) output$url <- renderUI({ url <- session$getTestSnapshotUrl(format="json") a(href = url, url) }) output$values <- renderText({ paste0("vals$x: ", vals$x, "\ny: ", y()) }) } ) }