Returns information about the currently executing output, including its name (i.e., outputId); and in some cases, relevant sizing and styling information.

getCurrentOutputInfo(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain())



The current Shiny session.


NULL if called outside of an output context; otherwise, a list which includes:

  • The name of the output (reported for any output).

  • If the output is a plotOutput() or imageOutput(), then:

    • height: a reactive expression which returns the height in pixels.

    • width: a reactive expression which returns the width in pixels.

  • If the output is a plotOutput(), imageOutput(), or contains a shiny-report-theme class, then:

    • bg: a reactive expression which returns the background color.

    • fg: a reactive expression which returns the foreground color.

    • accent: a reactive expression which returns the hyperlink color.

    • font: a reactive expression which returns a list of font information, including:

      • families: a character vector containing the CSS font-family property.

      • size: a character string containing the CSS font-size property


if (interactive()) { shinyApp( fluidPage( tags$style(HTML("body {background-color: black; color: white; }")), tags$style(HTML("body a {color: purple}")), tags$style(HTML("#info {background-color: teal; color: orange; }")), plotOutput("p"), "Computed CSS styles for the output named info:", tagAppendAttributes( textOutput("info"), class = "shiny-report-theme" ) ), function(input, output) { output$p <- renderPlot({ info <- getCurrentOutputInfo() par(bg = info$bg(), fg = info$fg(), col.axis = info$fg(), col.main = info$fg()) plot(1:10, col = info$accent(), pch = 19) title("A simple R plot that uses its CSS styling") }) output$info <- renderText({ info <- getCurrentOutputInfo() jsonlite::toJSON( list( bg = info$bg(), fg = info$fg(), accent = info$accent(), font = info$font() ), auto_unbox = TRUE ) }) } ) }