Add, remove, or list directory of static resources to Shiny's web server, with the given path prefix. Primarily intended for package authors to make supporting JavaScript/CSS files available to their components.

addResourcePath(prefix, directoryPath)





The URL prefix (without slashes). Valid characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, hyphen, period, and underscore. For example, a value of 'foo' means that any request paths that begin with '/foo' will be mapped to the given directory.


The directory that contains the static resources to be served.


Shiny provides two ways of serving static files (i.e., resources):

  1. Static files under the www/ directory are automatically made available under a request path that begins with /.

  2. addResourcePath() makes static files in a directoryPath available under a request path that begins with prefix.

The second approach is primarily intended for package authors to make supporting JavaScript/CSS files available to their components.

Tools for managing static resources published by Shiny's web server:

  • addResourcePath() adds a directory of static resources.

  • resourcePaths() lists the currently active resource mappings.

  • removeResourcePath() removes a directory of static resources.

See also


addResourcePath('datasets', system.file('data', package='datasets')) resourcePaths()
#> datasets #> "/opt/R/3.6.2/lib/R/library/datasets/data"
removeResourcePath('datasets') resourcePaths()
#> named character(0)
# make sure all resources are removed lapply(names(resourcePaths()), removeResourcePath)
#> list()