Boxes can be used to hold content in the main body of a dashboard.

box(..., title = NULL, footer = NULL, status = NULL,
  solidHeader = FALSE, background = NULL, width = 6, height = NULL,
  collapsible = FALSE, collapsed = FALSE)



Contents of the box.


Optional title.


Optional footer text.


The status of the item This determines the item's background color. Valid statuses are listed in validStatuses.


Should the header be shown with a solid color background?


If NULL (the default), the background of the box will be white. Otherwise, a color string. Valid colors are listed in validColors.


The width of the box, using the Bootstrap grid system. This is used for row-based layouts. The overall width of a region is 12, so the default valueBox width of 4 occupies 1/3 of that width. For column-based layouts, use NULL for the width; the width is set by the column that contains the box.


The height of a box, in pixels or other CSS unit. By default the height scales automatically with the content.


If TRUE, display a button in the upper right that allows the user to collapse the box.


If TRUE, start collapsed. This must be used with collapsible=TRUE.

See also

Other boxes: infoBox, tabBox, valueBox


## Only run this example in interactive R sessions if (interactive()) { library(shiny) # A dashboard body with a row of infoBoxes and valueBoxes, and two rows of boxes body <- dashboardBody( # infoBoxes fluidRow( infoBox( "Orders", uiOutput("orderNum2"), "Subtitle", icon = icon("credit-card") ), infoBox( "Approval Rating", "60%", icon = icon("line-chart"), color = "green", fill = TRUE ), infoBox( "Progress", uiOutput("progress2"), icon = icon("users"), color = "purple" ) ), # valueBoxes fluidRow( valueBox( uiOutput("orderNum"), "New Orders", icon = icon("credit-card"), href = "" ), valueBox( tagList("60", tags$sup(style="font-size: 20px", "%")), "Approval Rating", icon = icon("line-chart"), color = "green" ), valueBox( htmlOutput("progress"), "Progress", icon = icon("users"), color = "purple" ) ), # Boxes fluidRow( box(status = "primary", sliderInput("orders", "Orders", min = 1, max = 2000, value = 650), selectInput("progress", "Progress", choices = c("0%" = 0, "20%" = 20, "40%" = 40, "60%" = 60, "80%" = 80, "100%" = 100) ) ), box(title = "Histogram box title", status = "warning", solidHeader = TRUE, collapsible = TRUE, plotOutput("plot", height = 250) ) ), # Boxes with solid color, using `background` fluidRow( # Box with textOutput box( title = "Status summary", background = "green", width = 4, textOutput("status") ), # Box with HTML output, when finer control over appearance is needed box( title = "Status summary 2", width = 4, background = "red", uiOutput("status2") ), box( width = 4, background = "light-blue", p("This is content. The background color is set to light-blue") ) ) ) server <- function(input, output) { output$orderNum <- renderText({ prettyNum(input$orders, big.mark=",") }) output$orderNum2 <- renderText({ prettyNum(input$orders, big.mark=",") }) output$progress <- renderUI({ tagList(input$progress, tags$sup(style="font-size: 20px", "%")) }) output$progress2 <- renderUI({ paste0(input$progress, "%") }) output$status <- renderText({ paste0("There are ", input$orders, " orders, and so the current progress is ", input$progress, "%.") }) output$status2 <- renderUI({ iconName <- switch(input$progress, "100" = "ok", "0" = "remove", "road" ) p("Current status is: ", icon(iconName, lib = "glyphicon")) }) output$plot <- renderPlot({ hist(rnorm(input$orders)) }) } shinyApp( ui = dashboardPage( dashboardHeader(), dashboardSidebar(), body ), server = server ) }