You can use delay
if you want to wait a specific amount of time before
running code. This function can be used in combination with other shinyjs
functions, such as hiding or resetting an element in a few seconds, but it
can also be used with any code as long as it's used inside a Shiny app.
delay(ms, expr)
The number of milliseconds to wait (1000 milliseconds = 1 second) before running the expression.
The R expression to run after the specified number of milliseconds has elapsed.
must be initialized with a call to useShinyjs()
in the app's ui.
if (interactive()) {
ui = fluidPage(
p(id = "text", "This text will disappear after 3 seconds"),
actionButton("close", "Close the app in half a second")
server = function(input, output) {
delay(3000, hide("text"))
observeEvent(input$close, {
delay(500, stopApp())