Change the text or HTML inside an element. The given HTML can be any R expression, and it can either be appended to the currentcontents of the element or overwrite it (default).

html(id = NULL, html = NULL, add = FALSE, selector = NULL, asis = FALSE)



The id of the element/Shiny tag


The HTML/text to place inside the element. Can be either simple plain text or valid HTML code.


If TRUE, then append html to the contents of the element; otherwise overwrite it.


JQuery selector of the elements to target. Ignored if the id argument is given.


If TRUE, use the ID as-is even when inside a module (instead of adding the namespace prefix to the ID).


shinyjs must be initialized with a call to useShinyjs() in the app's ui.


if (interactive()) {

    ui = fluidPage(
      useShinyjs(),  # Set up shinyjs
      actionButton("btn", "Click me"),
      p(id = "element", "Watch what happens to me")
    server = function(input, output) {
      observeEvent(input$btn, {
        # Change the following line for more examples
        html("element", paste0("The date is ", date()))
if (FALSE) {
  # The shinyjs function call in the above app can be replaced by
  # any of the following examples to produce similar Shiny apps
  html("element", "Hello!")
  html("element", " Hello!", TRUE)
  html("element", "<strong>bold</strong> that was achieved with HTML")
  local({val <- "some text"; html("element", val)})
  html(id = "element", add = TRUE, html = input$btn)