'ShinyStan' demo

launch_shinystan_demo(demo_name = "eight_schools",
  rstudio = getOption("shinystan.rstudio"), ...)



The name of the demo. Currently "eight_schools" is the only option, but additional demos may be available in future releases.


Hierarchical meta-analysis model. See Meta Analysis chapter of the 'Stan' manual http://mc-stan.org/users/documentation/.


Only relevant for 'RStudio' users. The default (FALSE) is to launch the app in the user's default web browser rather than the pop-up Viewer provided by 'RStudio'. Users can change the default to TRUE by setting the global option options(shinystan.rstudio = TRUE).


Optional arguments passed to runApp.


An S4 shinystan object.

See also

launch_shinystan to launch the 'ShinyStan' interface using a particular shinystan object.

as.shinystan for creating shinystan objects.


if (FALSE) { # launch demo but don't save a shinystan object launch_shinystan_demo() # launch demo and save the shinystan object for the demo sso_demo <- launch_shinystan_demo() }