This adds a widget for selecting the theme, in a floating panel. It is meant for use during the development phase of a Shiny application.



This can be inserted anywhere inside of the application, although if it is put inside a tab, it will be visible only when that tab is showing. For it to show at all times, it must be used outside a tab.


if (interactive()) { # themeSelector can be inserted anywhere in the app. shinyApp( ui = fluidPage( shinythemes::themeSelector(), sidebarPanel( textInput("txt", "Text input:", "text here"), sliderInput("slider", "Slider input:", 1, 100, 30), actionButton("action", "Button"), actionButton("action2", "Button2", class = "btn-primary") ), mainPanel( tabsetPanel( tabPanel("Tab 1"), tabPanel("Tab 2") ) ) ), server = function(input, output) {} ) # If this is used with a navbarPage() or other type of page where there is not a # good place to put it where it is outside of all tabs, you can wrap the entire # page in tagList() and make the themeSelector a sibling of the page. shinyApp( ui = tagList( shinythemes::themeSelector(), navbarPage( "Theme test", tabPanel("Navbar 1", sidebarPanel( textInput("txt", "Text input:", "text here"), sliderInput("slider", "Slider input:", 1, 100, 30), actionButton("action", "Button"), actionButton("action2", "Button2", class = "btn-primary") ), mainPanel( tabsetPanel( tabPanel("Tab 1"), tabPanel("Tab 2") ) ) ), tabPanel("Navbar 2") ) ), server = function(input, output) {} ) }