A test encapsulates a series of expectations about a small, self-contained set of functionality. Each test lives in a file and contains multiple expectations, like expect_equal() or expect_error().

Tests are evaluated in their own environments, and should not affect global state.

test_that(desc, code)



Test name. Names should be brief, but evocative. They are only used by humans, so do you


Test code containing expectations. Braces ({}) should always be used in order to get accurate location data for test failures.


When run interactively, returns invisible(TRUE) if all tests pass, otherwise throws an error.


test_that("trigonometric functions match identities", {
  expect_equal(sin(pi / 4), 1 / sqrt(2))
  expect_equal(cos(pi / 4), 1 / sqrt(2))
  expect_equal(tan(pi / 4), 1)
#> Test passed 🥇

if (FALSE) {
test_that("trigonometric functions match identities", {
  expect_equal(sin(pi / 4), 1)