Interact with internal whereami counter

counter_state(item = NULL, tag = NULL)

counter_reset(item = NULL, tag = NULL)






character, name of the counter to access, Default: NULL


character, tag of the counter to acces, if it was set at initial whereami call. This can be used instead of the item name, Default: NULL


counter_names() returns names of the active stored counters.

counter_state() returns current hit count for item, if NULL then all counters are returned.

counter_reset() will remove counter of item, if item is NULL then all counters are reset.

counter_get() returns a table with all the counters. These can then be plotted with the with the plot method.

A json log of the counter is written to file.path(tempdir(),'whereami.json') by default The path can be set using set_whereami_log


if(interactive()){ txt <- " whereami::cat_where(whereami::whereami(tag = 'tag1')) " tf <- tempfile(fileext = '.R') cat(txt,file = tf) source(tf) counter_state() counter_state(tag = 'tag1') counter_names() counter_tags() counters <- counter_get() counters plot(counter_get()) # read the json log jsonlite::read_json( file.path(tempdir(),'whereami.json'), simplifyVector = TRUE) # clear all counters counter_reset() #verify that there are no active counters counter_state() # cleanup unlink(tf) }