crosstalk 1.2.0

Breaking changes

  • Removed the Bootstrap HTML dependency attached to filter_select(), filter_checkbox(), and bscols(). This allows crosstalk to be used in a non-Bootstrap CSS framework (e.g., distill) without de-grading the overall look. If this change happens to break functionality or de-grade the overall appearance of your crosstalk site, consider adding bslib::bs_theme_dependencies(bslib::bs_theme(version = 3)) to the UI definition, which will add back the Bootstrap dependency.


crosstalk 1.1.1

  • Upgrade to jQuery v3.5.1.


  • SharedData now works even when shiny isn’t installed.

crosstalk 1.1.0

  • shiny and ggplot2 are now Suggested packages instead of Imported packages.

  • Upgrade to Bootstrap v3.4.1 and jQuery v3.4.1.

crosstalk 1.0.1

  • selection_factor behavior was no longer correct with ggplot2 2.2.0, which changed its algorithm for stacking order. Added a reverse argument that defaults to detecting ggplot2 version and acting accordingly.

crosstalk 1.0.0

Initial release.