• test_local() tests a local source package.

  • test_package() tests an installed package.

  • test_check() checks a package during R CMD check.

Tests live in tests/testthat.

test_package(package, reporter = check_reporter(), ...)

test_check(package, reporter = check_reporter(), ...)

test_local(path = ".", reporter = NULL, ...)



If these tests belong to a package, the name of the package.


Reporter to use to summarise output. Can be supplied as a string (e.g. "summary") or as an R6 object (e.g. SummaryReporter$new()).

See Reporter for more details and a list of built-in reporters.


Additional arguments passed to test_dir()


Path to directory containing tests.


A list (invisibly) containing data about the test results.

R CMD check

To run testthat automatically from R CMD check, make sure you have a tests/testthat.R that contains:



Special files

There are two types of .R file that have special behaviour:

  • Test files start with test and are executed in alphabetical order.

  • Setup files start with setup and are executed before tests. If clean up is needed after all tests have been run, you can use withr::defer(clean_up(), teardown_env()). See vignette("test-fixtures") for more details.

There are two other types of special file that we no longer recommend using:

  • Helper files start with helper and are executed before tests are run. They're also loaded by devtools::load_all(), so there's no real point to them and you should just put your helper code in R/.

  • Teardown files start with teardown and are executed after the tests are run. Now we recommend interleave setup and cleanup code in setup- files, making it easier to check that you automatically clean up every mess that you make.

All other files are ignored by testthat.


Each test is run in a clean environment to keep tests as isolated as possible. For package tests, that environment that inherits from the package's namespace environment, so that tests can access internal functions and objects.