Format input date-time values that are character-based and expressed according to the ISO 8601 date-time format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS). Once the appropriate data cells are targeted with columns (and, optionally, rows), we can simply apply preset date and time styles to format the date-time values. The following date styles are available for simpler formatting of the date portion (all using the input date of 2000-02-29 in the example output dates):

  1. "iso": 2000-02-29

  2. "wday_month_day_year": Tuesday, February 29, 2000

  3. "wd_m_day_year": Tue, Feb 29, 2000

  4. "wday_day_month_year": Tuesday 29 February 2000

  5. "month_day_year": February 29, 2000

  6. "m_day_year": Feb 29, 2000

  7. "day_m_year": 29 Feb 2000

  8. "day_month_year": 29 February 2000

  9. "day_month": 29 February

  10. "year": 2000

  11. "month": February

  12. "day": 29

  13. "": 2000/02/29

  14. "": 00/02/29

The following time styles are available for simpler formatting of the time portion (all using the input time of 14:35:00 in the example output times):

  1. "hms": 14:35:00

  2. "hm": 14:35

  3. "hms_p": 2:35:00 PM

  4. "hm_p": 2:35 PM

  5. "h_p": 2 PM

We can use the info_date_style() and info_time_style() functions as useful references for all of the possible inputs to date_style and time_style.

  rows = everything(),
  date_style = 2,
  time_style = 2



A table object that is created using the gt() function.


The columns to format. Can either be a series of column names provided in c(), a vector of column indices, or a helper function focused on selections. The select helper functions are: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), matches(), one_of(), num_range(), and everything().


Optional rows to format. Providing either everything() (the default) or TRUE results in all rows in columns being formatted. Can either be a vector of row captions provided in c(), a vector of row indices, or a helper function focused on selections. The select helper functions are: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), matches(), one_of(), num_range(), and everything(). We can also use expressions to filter down to the rows we need (e.g., [colname_1] > 100 & [colname_2] < 50).


The date style to use. Supply a number (from 1 to 14) that corresponds to the preferred date style, or, provide a named date style ("wday_month_day_year", "m_day_year", "", etc.). Use info_date_style() to see the different numbered and named date presets.


The time style to use. Supply a number (from 1 to 5) that corresponds to the preferred time style, or, provide a named time style ("hms", "hms_p", "h_p", etc.). Use info_time_style() to see the different numbered and named time presets.


An object of class gt_tbl.


Targeting of values is done through columns and additionally by rows (if nothing is provided for rows then entire columns are selected). Conditional formatting is possible by providing a conditional expression to the rows argument. See the Arguments section for more information on this.


Function ID


See also


# Use `exibble` to create a gt table; # keep only the `datetime` column; # format the column to have dates # formatted as `month_day_year` and # times to be `hms_p` tab_1 <- exibble %>% dplyr::select(datetime) %>% gt() %>% fmt_datetime( columns = datetime, date_style = 5, time_style = 3 )