Wherever there is missing data (i.e., NA values) a customizable mark may present better than the standard NA text that would otherwise appear. The fmt_missing() function allows for this replacement through its missing_text argument (where an em dash serves as the default).

fmt_missing(data, columns, rows = everything(), missing_text = "---")



A table object that is created using the gt() function.


The columns to format. Can either be a series of column names provided in c(), a vector of column indices, or a helper function focused on selections. The select helper functions are: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), matches(), one_of(), num_range(), and everything().


Optional rows to format. Providing either everything() (the default) or TRUE results in all rows in columns being formatted. Can either be a vector of row captions provided in c(), a vector of row indices, or a helper function focused on selections. The select helper functions are: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), matches(), one_of(), num_range(), and everything(). We can also use expressions to filter down to the rows we need (e.g., [colname_1] > 100 & [colname_2] < 50).


The text to be used in place of NA values in the rendered table.


An object of class gt_tbl.


Targeting of values is done through columns and additionally by rows (if nothing is provided for rows then entire columns are selected). Conditional formatting is possible by providing a conditional expression to the rows argument. See the Arguments section for more information on this.


Function ID


See also


# Use `exibble` to create a gt table; # NA values in different columns will # be given replacement text tab_1 <- exibble %>% dplyr::select(-row, -group) %>% gt() %>% fmt_missing( columns = 1:2, missing_text = "missing" ) %>% fmt_missing( columns = 4:7, missing_text = "nothing" )