
Automatic Tracing and Display of Changes to Row Count

Classifies a data.frame such that row deletions and additions are tracked. A mechanism exists to give formal names to the row subsets that are coming or going. These names are used to populate a directed graph giving an account of all the transactions contributing to the state of the data.frame. The generic as.audited() has a method for keyed data.frames that creates an audited data.frame. Methods exist that track row count changes for the generics: Ops, !, ^, |, [, subset, head, tail, unique, cast, melt, aggregate, and merge. audit() extracts the transaction table from the audited object, while write.audit() and read.audit() control exchange with the file system. An audit method for as.igraph() creates a graph object that can be displayed with the corresponding plot method. Use options(audit= ) to provide an extra level of classification. Use options(artifact=TRUE) and as.xlsx() to save dropped records to file.

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Imports/Depends/LinkingTo/Enhances (2)
  • igraph
  • metrumrg
  • Suggests (2)
  • xlsx
  • rJava
  • Version History