
Script Based 'NONMEM' Model Development

Industrialisation of 'NONMEM' <https://www.iconplc.com/innovation/nonmem/> via fully and rapidly reusable model development 'workflows' entirely within 'RStudio'. Quickly get started with new models by importing 'NONMEM' templates from the built-in code library. Manipulate 'NONMEM' code from within R either via the tracked 'manual edit' interface or 'programmatically' via convenience functions. Script 'workflows' by piping sequences of model building steps from control file creation, to execution, to post-processing and evaluation. Run caching makes 'workflows' R markdown friendly for easy documentation of thoughts and modelling decisions alongside executable code. Share, reuse and recycle 'workflows' for new problems.

Tests Vignettes

Available Snapshots

This version of NMproject can be found in the following snapshots:

Version History