Uses y_time to create the plots. Please see that help topic and details here for other arguments to customize the plot.

cwres_time(df, x = pm_axis_time(), y = pm_axis_cwres(), ...)

cwres_tafd(df, x = pm_axis_tafd(), y = pm_axis_cwres(), ...)

cwres_tad(df, x = pm_axis_tad(), y = pm_axis_cwres(), ...)

cwresi_time(df, x = pm_axis_time(), y = pm_axis_cwresi(), ...)

cwresi_tafd(df, x = pm_axis_tafd(), y = pm_axis_cwresi(), ...)

cwresi_tad(df, x = pm_axis_tad(), y = pm_axis_cwresi(), ...)



data set to plot


x-axis data in col_label format


y-axis data in col_label format


passed to res_time and eventually to y_time


A single plot.


Plots are generated using y_time, which then calls scatt.

By default, the time unit is assumed to be hours (hr). See the xunit argument to y_time to change the time unit.

See the xby argument to y_time for a convenient way to change the breaks for the x-axis (time).

Since this function creates a scatter plot, both the x and y columns must be numeric.

See also


df <- pmplots_data_obs() cwresi_time(df)
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'